Watch the "Make Some Noise" video

Watch the short-form video of "Fight for Your Right Revisited," aka the "Make Some Noise" video, above. It was posted at earlier than announced.


7:34 PM jo said...

Yay I love it! Super cute! I want more though man. Big tease!

7:36 PM Fittonia said...

Not what I was hoping for. Maybe the long video will be funny. This video is just a string of celebrity appearances.

7:41 PM Saber said...

Will Ferrell's jeans are funny.

7:47 PM Kevin said...

It's not the Intergalactic or Body Movin video but it's all right. I didn't have big expectations. I'm more interested in seeing the long video where we get the story.

7:55 PM Emily said...

I like Elijah as AdRock. He has the attitude right. I can't wait to see the full video!

8:21 PM Streetwise said...

I agree it's not funny. It didn't make me like the song any better either.

8:25 PM Aaron99 said...

I like it. It has a dream team of actors as the Beastie Boys. What's not to like? there's no story in this cut. No big deal to me.

8:50 PM Mercury said...

I'll wait until I see the long video before I decide I like it or not. Only a few more hours to go.

9:10 PM Hot Sauce said...

I'm hearing that some people are having problems viewing the video. Try going directly to to view it:

9:23 PM iamsam said...

ugh..i am one of the people who can't see it..why do they torture me like this?

9:33 AM Mercury said...

Sad to say but FFYRR is bad. Really bad in fact. It's sad to see someone you like do something so awful. On the bright side FFYRR makes the short video seem brilliant.

10:03 AM Adamson said...

Thanks for the long video link. My dvr cut off the end of it. The real Beastie Boys weren't in what I saw.

10:28 AM Fittonia said...

It's a shame something with so many funny actors is so unfunny. All the commercial breaks didn't help it.

10:39 AM Penny said...

THANK YOU!! My DVR didn't record the last minute. It's not my favorite Beastie Boys video but I think it's not as bad as people are saying.

1:11 PM Mikey said...

The knot bit is funny but otherwise it's short on laughs.

2:37 PM Anthony G said...

I don't understand how anyone could not like the video. It's full of stars and is completely ridiculous. I like it a lot. Good work Beasties!

2:46 PM Klepto said...

The long version isn't up at that link anymore. Fuuuuuuudge.

3:29 PM Klepto said...

I found another link for the full explicit version! And it's not split into parts! :D


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