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This site is a passion project; it has never generated revenue from any link. It was made for fans by fans.
Mic to Mic is the work of Hot Sauce (Cindy), Klepto (Dana), and The Update (Margrethe).
We wish to thank the following people for their friendship and contributions to Mic to Mic:
Brian, Mark, Mike, Paul, Jenny, Magda, Xavier, Jonathan, and Allan
Thanks for the video. I saw the note from the Beastie Boys about Mike being on after the show aired. I usually watch Colbert every night but didn't last night.
It's nice to see one of the guys. It seems like it has been forever since we heard anything from them. Understandably so.
They should have just let Mike be Mike instead of giving him a script. It would have been a 1000 times funnier.
As much as I like Stephen, I question his ability to keep up with Mike without a script. It's true it would have been a lot funnier if Mike said his own words.
"Mike D-enied"...LOL
Looking sharp, Mike.
This video made me smile.
I agree with Mercury. Only the Adams can keep up with Mike.
Hahahahha I loved it. Could they have picked a better person to define the word "ill"?? NO!! :). You could so tell that D was reading the screen, which made it THAT much more funny. It was really nice to see him on a Tv show though
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