"Fight for Your Right Revisited" premieres at Sundance Film Festival

After going "off the map" since his July 2009 announcement of having cancer, Adam Yauch made his return to the showbiz world with the screening of his short film Fight for Your Right Revisited at the Sundance Film Festival last night. Before its premiere, Yauch kept details of the film secret except for the cast list (on IMDb.com) — even the actors were kept in the dark about the story. Danny McBride, who portrays Yauch in the 20-minute film, told MTV that he didn't know what the film was about despite having a lead role. It's puzzling why Yauch kept the film so secret, especially from Beastie Boys fans, the audience who is most likely to appreciate the film. Yauch's only communication to fans about the film was a posting of a film still at Beastieboys.com in December.

Reviews of the film are mixed. One audience member tweets that the film was "Endless and ultimately pointless cameos in an extremely vapid overlong music vid spoof." Okaaay. The Los Angeles Times provides a weirdly kinder (?) assessment of the film, saying it is so unfunny that it is perhaps funny. What?

New York Magazine tries to be helpful by describing the roles of each character in the film but doesn't give an opinion on it. Not particularly helpful.

Moviefone offers positive words about the film, saying it is "equal parts hilarious, offensive and really great to listen to." Yay! It's just like the Beastie Boys!

In its review of the film, MTV says, "Some scenes crackle with comedic verve, thanks to the talents of some of Hollywood's most reliable improv talents...[while] Other scenes could have benefited from a trim or two in the edit room."

It's unclear if Yauch attended the screening last night. From all accounts, it seems that he did not attend. (The saying goes "If there's no photo, it didn't happen.") Elijah Wood, who portrays Adrock in the film, appeared at the screening and made some comments to the audience. Danny McBride was also seen at the festival, but it's unknown whether he attended the screening.


12:37 PM Anonymous said...

That's too bad. I'm also hearing from lots of other places that it's not good. At all.

Oh well.

12:38 PM jo said...

I thought for sure he'd attend. :/ Oh well I hope we get some more positive reviews soon. Either way the fans will love it and perhaps it will just take some time for the media to understand or get it. I dont' know.

12:48 PM Martin Von Dyck said...

With all the famous actors in it, could it be a homage to acting? I'm curious to see it.

12:57 PM Emily said...

I thought Yauch was supposed to be at the festival. I wonder what happened to him. I hope he's doing ok. I don't care what critics say about the film. I want to see it!

1:02 PM Hot Sauce said...

@Emily Neither the festival, Oscilloscope, nor Yauch himself said he would be attending the screening. It's true that Yauch usually attends the Sundance Film Festival. It's quite possible he did attend last night and nobody recognized him. Time will reveal the truth.

1:13 PM Jo said...

Well Sundance did say he'd be attending in one of the articles online. :/ But yeah I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

1:26 PM Fittonia said...

Screw the Sundance critics. They never like anything. Remember the reviews of AIFST and A Day in the Life of Nathaniel Hornblower? Yauch should put the film on Beastieboys.com for an audience who gets him.

1:35 PM jo said...

Well we gotta remember its a music video right? I mean it's not like Adam set out to put out a serious film. It's the Beastie Boys. They have always used their humour in either strange or extreme ways in videos or infomercials or wherever. This shouldn't be any different. I don't think this new generation understands and they've been away awhile. I think after some time when the album comes out people will LIGHTEN UP and get it. If they don't their LOSS!

1:40 PM Octopie said...

It's annoying how all the stories about it focus on the celebrites starring in it. I don't give a damn - does anyone else???

1:44 PM Emily said...

@Octopie - I don't care about the stars in it either! I do like that Yauch's daughter is in it and Fredo too. They and the Beastie Boys are the most interesting in the cast to me.

1:59 PM Triple Trouble said...

Beastie Boys are not for everybody. It takes a certain kind of person to get their off the wall humor. The jokes probably went over the audience's head.

3:04 PM Streetwise said...

All I care to know is when can I see the film?

3:18 PM Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I'll definitely be ch-ch-checking it out.

But I've heard from several fellow Beastie freaks who say it blows the big donkey. Not encouraging to me, since I respect their views about Beasties.

But I will be forming my own opinion.

3:31 PM Stunt D said...

Yauch couldn't attend the movie because he didn't want to miss American Idol.

4:29 PM Mercury92 said...

If the film is an introduction to the new record and it sucks as bad as the reviews are saying I'm afraid Hot Sauce Commitee is going to suck too.

4:47 PM jo said...

Well MTV just gave it an EXCELLENT review and said the audiance loved it so I am not worried anymore. :)

4:53 PM Penny said...

I love the Beastie Boys but I kind of don't care about the film. Let's get to the new record please.

1:01 PM Saber said...

I can't even pretend to be interested in the film.

1:31 PM Fittonia said...

I want to see the film but I get why others could give a shit. Yauch didn't give fans enough reason to get excited about it. He thought a picture of Frodo as AdRock was enough to interest us. He could have said it had new HSC songs in it but he didn't.

4:39 PM Emiel said...

To make the best art, an artist must do what his creativity tells him to do and Yauch is now busy with his film business. If that means that he is focusing on something differtent then Beastie stuff, so be it, I think we're lucky that the film is about the Beastie Boys in the first place. Yauch is besides an awesome entertainer, a person like you and me. I know I am going to relax and wait untill the new album appears and in the meanwhile I see if I can watch the film. Let the guys do their work and let us just enjoy their art.

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