Some Beastie Boys music news has slipped out of Adam Yauch's mouth while he has been talking to the press about his film Gunnin' for That #1 Spot. Yauch told Rolling Stone that the Beastie Boys are "40 percent" finished with a new album. "It'll be a mix of things. We'll play on it, and there'll definitely be some hip-hop," Yauch revealed.
When and how much the Beastie Boys have been working on the album is a mystery because they have failed to turn on the O-scope cam, which they promised fans they would do if they were in the studio working. This so-called "40 percent finished album" could be comprised of recycled or unused songs from previous recording sessions.
Although most fans have come to accept the lack of updates and communication from the band, it remains disappointing to be left in the dark about promised Beastie Boys projects, including the remix version of The Mix-Up and the Detroit/Chicago Gala Event dvd. Most disappointing (and, at the same time, exciting) for us to learn is that there is a new Beastie Boys song in Gunnin' for That #1 Spot. How could the band overlook telling their fans something that interesting?!
According to the press notes handed out to the media at the Filmmaker Talks event at the Apple store in Soho, Yauch's basketball documentary contains a new Beastie Boys song titled "Bass Line Is Nice."
is the new song an instrumental?
I have no idea. I assume that it's an instrumental.
If it hadn't been for the writer at Meniscus Magazine, who reported what the press notes for the Apple store event said, we wouldn't have ever known about the new song being in the film. Most of the film critics and sports people writing about the film don't say much about the music or soundtrack.
What the hell?! A new Beasties song! Is it a joke? Let's hear it.
I don't believe it.
Yeah really Bboys, we would support your stuff more if you tell us about it coming out.
We live in an era of Instant Communication, not Ill Communication.
Can you post an mp3 of the song?
We don't have access to that audio or movie. Someone would have to bootleg the movie to extract an audio clip. You'll have to see the movie to hear the song or wait to see if a soundtrack will be released.
Perhaps the Beastie Boys will make the song available on their web site...although I wouldn't hold your breath for that. LOL
There's no way in hell I would see a basketball documentary no matter who made it because I'm not interested in basketball -- but tell me there's a new Beastie Boys song in the film and my interest is piqued.
Tisk-tisk, Yauch and Co. are not using everything they have to market the film. :P
I went to buy a ticket to see the film at the Tribeca Film Festival but all tickets had been sold. I must wait until June to see the film.
I miss O watch. I hope they will use the camera again. I like the mystery with the camera. We watch and must determine what they do.
There is speculation that this is the new track.
doesn't sound like beasties to me
The background music on the youtube video is too boring to be the Beastie Boys.
It's difficult to make out the music when you've got a voiceover and sound effects layered over it. I can't tell for sure, but I'm going to vote "Not new Beastie Boys song" on the video clip.
i agree..not beasties
It sounds like muzak.
Knowing a new Beastie Boys song is in the film increases my interest in seeing it.
I'd say that could be it...sounds like Mike's drums...sounds like they layered a nice electric drum noise over the drums too...hopefully that's what the new album is about!
where is the detroit/chicago gala event DVD?
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