Oscope Archive update

Since launching Oscope Archive a few weeks ago, we've posted new video clips, screen captures, reviews, credits, and a lil' something we're calling "Nerd Notes" to some of the project listings. Nerd Notes are interesting facts about the people and places in the videos and films.

We will continue updating the project listings as we find content and the time to post the material. We ask readers to submit any screen captures, reviews, Nerd Notes, or other items using the CONTACT button at Oscope Archive.

Among our recent updates to the archive is the addition of several video clips from the short film A Day in the Life of Nathanial Hörnblowér, starring David Cross as Hörnblowér (see one clip above).

On the topic of videos...check out the Part 2 video of Tamra Davis' trip to the Southwest with her husband and children on her cooking blog, the Tamra Davis Cooking Show.